Genetic Improvement of LDHA and DRD4 Racing Pigeons

The determined selection of changes in racing pigeons for the genes responsible for LDHA and DRD4 with better genetic characteristics associated with performance in competition is setting the standard in the most outstanding aviaries in the world.

LDHA genotype

Racing and sports pigeons with better performance, faster muscle regeneration and therefore greater resistance, have a mutation of the LDHA gene. This gene stimulates the production of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase.

Identification of the A and B alleles for the LDHA gene determines the genotypes for LDHA in pigeons, being AA, AB and BB. An AA and AB genotype birds produce a form of lactate dehydrogenase that improves the ability to utilize and/or manage lactate levels in muscle cells during strenuous exercise compared to the form found in BB genotype birds.

Being higher the performance of AA and AB pigeons compared to BB pigeons, increasing their value in competition and for breeding.

Ask us for information about these analyses and we will also advise you for future crosses in your aviary based on the inheritance of this type of mutations.


DRD4 genotype

DRD4 is associated with dopamine receptors in the central nervous system of animals. These dopamine receptors are involved in neurological processes such as motivation or learning.

The identification of the combined genotype DRD4 (CTCT, CTCC and CCCT variants) is associated with specimens with high averages in sprint and middle distance races.

Drd4-1 and Drd4-2 are the first and second parts of the complete analysis of DRD4. The two different loci are needed to get all the information and if you want to know the combined genotype: CCCC, CCCT, CTCC, CTCT, TTCC, CTTT, TTCT, CCTT and TTTT.

These heritable mutations in their chicks are characteristic of pigeons that show more insistence on coming to the starting line, which will translate to faster race times and fewer dropouts on long distance races.

Ask us for information about these analyses and we will also advise you for future crosses in your aviary based on the inheritance of this type of mutations.


*If the analysis you need is not available, contact us.

Lucía Sanchís Navarro
Laboratory Technician & Head of Bird Genetics

In continuous search for new challenges and goals to consolidate my personal and professional growth that leads me to continue advancing through my perseverance, continuous learning, commitment and passion in all the projects in which I participate.

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